Creation of a new product for the food industry used for transport and for the food processing.
The article will have a form “parallelepiped” with a length, width and thickness that can be modulated according to its use. Thus, a new product is proposed to the specific market adaptable item to different machines depending on the dimensions used.
In the Laboratory interior of ISOPREN one was studied new compound able to have excellent physical-mechanical characteristics and to respect all the dictates of the ministerial decree relating to contact with food.
Subsequently, laboratory tests were carried out on the mixture, allowing to obtain the certification second Ministerial Decree 03.21.73.
Finally, one was created modular mould capable of making products with different dimensions and adaptable to different machines depending on their size.
There mix was certified from the specialized laboratory, Cerisie, and the product was sold to a company that gave positive feedback, obtaining strong improvements thanks to the use of our products.