Who we are

ISOPREN: from 70 years in the Rubber Industry

Our numbers

of Activity
managed in a year
Increase in turnover
in the last years
+ 0 %

Our big family

Alberto Bergamini founds ISOPREN
Alberto Bergamini founds ISOPREN

Alberto Bergamini founds ISOPREN in Cusano Milanino as a company producing rubber and ebonite tank linings for industry, assisted by his son Giancarlo Bergamini for the technical area and by Dr. Carlo Rossi.

2nd generation
The 2nd generation joins the company

Alberto Bergamini's son Pier Federico Bergamini joins the company in the commercial area.

production of drawn products and molded items
Start of production of drawn products and molded items

Production start of drawn products and introduction of the first presses for molded rubber items.

nitrile rubber
Invention of Nitrile Rubber coatings

Invention of Nitrile Rubber coatings for the preparation of synthetic fiber, replacing polyurethane ones.

Jacko patent
Jacko interchangeable covers

ISOPREN patents Jacko interchangeable covers.

3rd generation
Entry of the 3rd generation

Entrance to the 3rd generation with Giancarlo's son, Mario Bergamini and the son-in-law of the founder's partner, Sergio Donadeo.

Molding Department
Strengthening of the Molding Department

Strengthening of the molding department and new laboratory for compounds study and control. A line is dedicated to production of superelastic rings for forklifts.

food industry
Entry into the Food Industry

Entry into the food sector with the creation of stators for them progressive cavity pumps.

Rubber Sheave liners
Start of production of Rubber Sheave Liners for ropeways

Start of production of Rubber Sheave liners For cableways of new generation for Mountain sector And anti-abrasive coatings For centrifugal pumps.

ISO 29002 (today ISO 9001)
ISO 29002 certification

Obtaining the ISO 29002 (today ISO 9001) quality management system certification.

construction sector
Entry into the Construction Sector

Entry into the Construction Sector, thanks to the pistons for pumping concrete.

gaskets for filter systems
New production of Gaskets

Start of new production of Gaskets for sludge filter systems.

New Board of Directors
New Board of Directors

New Board of Directors with the entry of Marcella Bergamini, daughter of Pier Federico Bergamini, in the area of cost-controlling and commercial strengthening.

Expansion of the production range
Expansion of the production range

Expansion of the production range and introduction of industrial accounting for the cost analysis.

Technology & Innovation
Technological and Innovation Department

Technological and Innovation Department with dedicated engineers.

Relaunch & Enhancement

Relaunch with strengthening of the technological department, production area and raw materials.

Rationalization and expansion of production capacity in large quantities and partnerships with customers in the food, mining and drilling sectors.

Technological Enhancement
Strengthening of the Tech Department

Strengthening of Technological & Innovation Department.

Business development
Business development

Business development with double-digit turnover growth .

TÜV certification
TÜV certification

Obtaining the TÜV certification for the production process of rings for cableways with textile and non-textile reinforcement, with antistatic, insulating and conductive compounds.

New Board of Directors with external Manager
New Board of Directors with external Manager

From Family Company to Managerial Family Company: New Board of Directors with external Manager expert in business processes and digital transformation.

Awarded by Motore Italia
Awarded by Motore Italia

Acceleration phase, ISOPREN is awarded by Motore Italia among the 21 most innovative SMEs in the country.

LUX compensation joints
LUX compensation joints

Development and production of the new line of LUX compensation joints, subsequently certified RINA and from Ministry of Defence for the Military Naval sector.

Participation in important tenders

Participation in important tenders with three order acquisitions for the new line LUX of rubber expansion compensators, also with revolving flange. 

Flashcut and Industry 4.0
Flashcut and Industry 4.0

ISOPREN expands its machine park with the introduction of two new presses and a new continuous cutting table with pneumatic spindle, FLASHCUT, all compliant with "Industry 4.0" parameters.

6 million turnover
6 million turnover

Turnover close to 6 million euros, 45 employees, over 70.000 items produced and more than 180 active customers.

Excellence of the Year
Excellence of the Year Innovation Rubber Solutions

ISOPREN comes rewarded as "Excellence of the Year Innovation Rubber Solutions" to be an Italian excellence in the creation of technical articles for industrial purposes from The sources, the live streaming TV platform dedicated to economics, finance and business.

Isopren espositore alla fiera Mountain Planet a Grenoble

Isopren partecipa come espositore alla fiera Mountain Planet – dedicata al mondo della montagna e degli impianti a fune – a Grenoble con un forte riscontro positivo e di alta visibilità.

Isopren viene premiata tra le "Imprese Vincenti" e come "Eccellenza negli anni"

Isopren viene premiata da Intesa Sanpaolo tra le "Imprese Vincenti" per la valorizzazione delle piccole e medie imprese che rappresentano un esempio di eccellenza imprenditoriale e del Made in Italy e da Le Fonti durante il Gran Galà 2024 per riconfermare da 3 anni - e con oltre 70 anni di attività alle spalle - la leadership nel settore della produzione di articoli tecnici in gomma diversificati e all’avanguardia nell’ambito delle mescole elastomeriche di propria progettazione.

Nasce AMBition24

Mario Bergamini «va in pensione» e cede le sue quote nella società alla cugina Marcella che, insieme al figlio Alessandro Maida, fonda la società holding AMBition24 S.r.l. che a sua volta detiene l’intero pacchetto azionario della Isopren.

L'eccellenza di Isopren: ITALYX

Isopren ha ottenuto la ItalyX Certification, da un’iniziativa de Il Sole 24 Ore che celebra e valorizza l’excellence of Italian manufacturing companies. ItalyX è l’X factor che può vantare Isopren per rimarcare il Made in Italy e i fattori positivi che contraddistinguono l’Italianness, quali la distintività, la qualità, la cura del dettaglio.

Le Nuove Certificazioni di Isopren

Isopren ha ottenuto nuove ed importanti certificazioni a testimonianza del suo impegno verso l'eccellenza, la sicurezza, la sostenibilità e l'inclusività:

✅ ISO 14001 - Ambiente: un passo fondamentale per ridurre il nostro impatto ambientale e promuovere pratiche sostenibili.

✅ ISO 45001 - Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro: perché la sicurezza e il benessere delle persone sono una nostra priorità assoluta.

✅ UNI/PdR 125 - Parità di Genere: un riconoscimento che testimonia il nostro impegno verso un ambiente di lavoro equo e inclusivo.

Haven't you found anyone who can satisfy your request in the rubber field? Contact us, you're in the right place!


Here we make the difference



ISOPREN's products are realized with elastomer (natural and synthetic) based compounds, studied and created by our laboratory, many of these are formulated for a specific use.

Thanks to the rich portfolio of compounds, for which we hold the intellectual property, we are able to satisfy all needs.



ISOPREN stands out for its consolidated ability to create rubber parts, Also personalized, including some items that require adhesion with metal and textile components.

This allowed the company to qualify as top players in the reference markets as a reality unique And competitive.


Research &

Our Technical office is capable of achieving projects, molds and equipment suitable for innovative, old and new items new generation.

We boast certifications And patents of rubber articles, born from the ideas, realization and development of our projects. 


and Loyalty

There loyalty of our customers is given by our ability to satisfy the requests of industrial production with treatment and be careful artisanal.

Thanks to skills of our personal, we are able to maintain long-lasting relationships over time, making us a reliable partner it's safe.

Tanti Prestigiosi Clienti Ci Danno Fiducia


We are qualified in many sectors

Over the years, ISOPREN has developed several patents and obtained important certifications, some born from tailor-made projects for customers with compounds studied ad hoc and solutions capable of satisfying requests.

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