ISOPREN towards ESG certification

🌱We would like to communicate that ISOPREN, aware of the importance of contributing to the sustainable development of the planet and society, is pursuing a structured path to obtain certification ESG (ANDnvironmental, Social, Governance) through the adoption of 5P strategy: People, Prosperity, Peace, Partnership, Planet.

🌍 TheESG it has become a fundamental pillar for guiding companies towards greater sustainability and social responsibility. We are committed to being agents of positive change both in our industry and in the communities in which we operate.

🏆 Obtaining this important certification will allow us to take another tangible step in our commitment to sustainability and corporate excellence, improving our impact on the environment, people and society.

💼 We are determined to make our contribution to a better future for everyone.

👥 Follow us on our journey to create an impact positive in the world!


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