This milestone 🎯 is the concrete recognition of our constant commitment to theinnovation, the quality and the customer satisfaction.
ItalyX It is the X factor that Isopren can boast to underline the Made in Italy and the positive factors that distinguish theItalianness, such as the distinctiveness, the quality, the attention to detail; alongside the large and medium-sized companies there are small and historic Italian companies of excellence, with a strong drive towards continuous improvement, capable of exporting all over the world and deserving of being considered partners in ambitious, wide-ranging projects… Isopren is proud to be part of it!
Business Name: ISOPREN S.r.l. a Socio Unico
Share Capital € 52.000 fully paid
VAT number 00685540965 –Â C.F. 00680280153
Address: 6, A. Merli Street – 20095 Cusano Milanino (MI)
ISOPREN is associated with Plastic Rubber Federation and Assogomma.
ISOPREN is registered withNational Association of Cableway Operators.
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